Small Clothes Pegs
Have you been searching for small clothes pegs for a while? Do you think that all small pegs are made equally? Well if you do then read on because there are various types of small pegs and not all small pegs are made equally. There are some types of pegs which are much better than others and have inherent differences in the material used to manufacture them. The clothes pegs you chose should be based on what you require and how much you are willing to spend on them. In addition you should also know what types of clothes you are going to hang using these pegs.
Small clothes pegs are made from three different types of materials:
- Plastic Small pegs
- Wooden Pegs
- Steel Pegs
- Hybrid pegs combine wood and metal or plastic and metal for added durability
Plastic Small pegs and what is so good about them?
You have probably walked into a department store and noticed that around 80% of the shelves in the peg’s isle filled with plastic pegs. The fact of the matter is that plastic pegs are popular simply because they are cheap to manufacture, and although not all plastic pegs are haphazardly made to keep costs low the majority of plastic pegs do not last very long. You may probably be able to use a plastic peg for around a month before it begins to break. These are the types of pegs you should avoid simply because they are not durable enough to last you very long and they are mostly not bio degradable which means they add to the trash in our landfills.
The traditional Wooden Pegs
Back when plastic was expensive to manufacture small clothes pegs were made from wood. The amazing thing about the pegs manufactured five decades or so ago was that they were very durable owing to the fact that they were mostly hand made from high quality wood. Today as wood has become expensive these pegs have faded from the shelves of many department stores and malls. But for people who prefer wood these are expensive and can last you a long time if you purchase high quality wooden pegs.
The latest Steel Pegs
Steel pegs are probably one of the most durable small clothes pegs you will ever find on the market. However, many poorly manufactured steel pegs are plagued with rust owing to their exposure to water their high quality counterparts can probably last for years, with the only drawback being their high price. These pegs are much more durable than others out there in addition they are have excellent grip which helps them to hang on to even the heaviest of laundry which makes them great for commercial use.
Hybrid Pegs
Almost all wood and plastic pegs are hybrids since they need to have metal mechanisms. If you are going to purchase a hybrid you need to ensure that the metal used as part of the mechanism is of high quality so that they do not become rusty.